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Nsw Lic.#37423
Vic Lic.#DB-U33520
Qld Lic.#1171603
A development and construction business established by Martin Bonnici in 1980
The Company has achieved its reputation from its extensive experience and that of its associates
This allows the Company to be cost effective while providing quality projects in both residential and commercial markets
The Company is therefore in the position to be able to draw on the combined experiences of professional associates / consultants across the entire property spectrum
Due diligence
Property acquisition
Design (architectural & Engineering)
Council Approvals
Building & Construction
Residential Sales
Bonnici & Associates Offer a variety of services to clients - Utilizing a core group of industry professionals and a commitment in executing projects from Design to completion
Design Build -
Consultant -
Construction Management -
Renovations -
Joint Ventures -
Designs for narrower lots and dual occupancy
Project and contract homes
Multi-unit developments with high end million dollar values
Joint venture projects
Bonnici & Associates
Bonnici & Associates have Expertise in:
Our experience includes, but is not limited to:
Our endeavour, above all, is to generate an innovative and quality result for both owner-occupiers and investors
A fundamental part of this goal is listening to our clients and designing the development based on this brief
As a design and construction firm, we pride ourselves on the formation of progressive designs and the utilisation of current construction techniques
We aspire to continually offer the most up-to-date design and employ the most cost efficient system of construction techniques for the benefit of our clients
Martin Bonnici
Vision & Mission Statement

Bonnici & Associates
107 Cronulla st
Cronulla NSW
PO Box 360
Cronulla NSW 2230
Mobile: 0411320160
Site Designed by website2u4u -Debra Bonnici